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The manifest JSON file defines your plugin, and provides important metadata that determines how your plugin is executed, and rendered within Stream Deck; this includes:


    "$schema": "",
    "Actions": [
            "Icon": "action-icon",
            "Name": "Action One",
            "States": [
                    "Image": "state-image"
            "UUID": ""
    "Author": "Elgato",
    "CodePath": "bin/plugin.js",
    "Description": "Demo plugin with a minimal manifest.",
    "Icon": "plugin-icon",
    "Name": "Test Plugin",
    "Nodejs": {
        "Version": "20"
    "OS": [
            "Platform": "mac",
            "MinimumVersion": "13"
            "Platform": "windows",
            "MinimumVersion": "10"
    "UUID": "com.elgato.test",
    "Version": "",
    "SDKVersion": 2,
    "Software": {
        "MinimumVersion": "6.6"

JSON Schema

A JSON schema is available for the manifest JSON file, providing intellisense and validation, and is available at the following URL:

JSON schema URL

You can reference this URL using the $schema property within your manifest:

Manifest JSON file
	"$schema": "",
	"Author": "Elgato",
	"Name": "Test Plugin"
	// ...

TypeScript Declaration

Manifest TypeScript declaration
type Manifest = {
    Actions: {
        Controllers?: ["Encoder" | "Keypad", ("Encoder" | "Keypad")?];
        DisableAutomaticStates?: boolean;
        DisableCaching?: boolean;
        Encoder?: {
            background?: string;
            Icon?: string;
            layout?: `${string}.json` | "$A0" | "$A1" | "$B1" | "$B2" | "$C1" | "$X1";
            StackColor?: string;
            TriggerDescription?: {
                LongTouch?: string;
                Push?: string;
                Rotate?: string;
                Touch?: string;
        Icon: string;
        Name: string;
        OS?: ("mac" | "windows")[];
        PropertyInspectorPath?: `${string}.htm` | `${string}.html`;
        States: {
            FontFamily?: string;
            FontSize?: number;
            FontStyle?: "" | "Bold Italic" | "Bold" | "Italic" | "Regular";
            FontUnderline?: boolean;
            Image: string;
            MultiActionImage?: string;
            Name?: string;
            ShowTitle?: boolean;
            Title?: string;
            TitleAlignment?: "bottom" | "middle" | "top";
            TitleColor?: string;
        SupportedInMultiActions?: boolean;
        Tooltip?: string;
        UserTitleEnabled?: boolean;
        UUID: string;
        VisibleInActionsList?: boolean;
    ApplicationsToMonitor?: {
        mac?: string[];
        windows?: string[];
    Author: string;
    Category?: string;
    CategoryIcon?: string;
    CodePath: string;
    CodePathMac?: string;
    CodePathWin?: string;
    DefaultWindowSize?: [number, number];
    Description: string;
    Icon: string;
    Name: string;
    Nodejs?: {
        Debug?: string;
        GenerateProfilerOutput?: boolean;
        Version: "20";
    OS: [
            MinimumVersion: string;
            Platform: "mac" | "windows";
            MinimumVersion: string;
            Platform: "mac" | "windows";
    Profiles?: {
        AutoInstall?: boolean;
        DeviceType: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;
        DontAutoSwitchWhenInstalled?: boolean;
        Name: string;
        Readonly?: boolean;
    PropertyInspectorPath?: `${string}.htm` | `${string}.html`;
    SDKVersion: 2;
    Software: {
        MinimumVersion: "6.4" | "6.5" | "6.6" | "6.7" | "6.8";
    URL?: string;
    UUID: string;
    Version: string;
File path extensions

Some file path properties within the manifest must have their file extension omitted. For example Icon and a profile's Name are extension-less file paths, whereas properties such as CodePath and PropertyInspectorPath require an extension. For more information, please refer to the documentation of the property.



Defines the plugin and available actions, and all information associated with them, including the plugin's entry point, all iconography, action default behavior, etc.


Actions: Action[]Required

Collection of actions provided by the plugin, and all of their information; this can include actions that are available to user's via the actions list, and actions that are hidden to the user but available to pre-defined profiles distributed with the plugin (Manifest.Actions.VisibleInActionsList).

ApplicationsToMonitor: ApplicationMonitoring

Applications to monitor on Mac and Windows; upon a monitored application being launched or terminated, Stream Deck will notify the plugin.

Also see:

  • streamDeck.system.onApplicationDidLaunch(...)
  • streamDeck.system.onApplicationDidTerminate(...)
Author: stringRequired

Author's name that will be displayed on the plugin's product page on the Marketplace, e.g. "Elgato".

Category: string

Defines the actions list group, providing a natural grouping of the plugin's actions with the Stream Deck application's action list.

Note: Category should be distinctive and synonymous with your plugin, and it is therefore recommended that this be the same value as the plugin's Name field. When undefined, the actions will be available under the "Custom" group.

CategoryIcon: string

Path to the image, with the file extension omitted, that will be displayed next to the action list group within the Stream Deck application. The icon should accurately represent the plugin, and enable users to quickly identify the plugin. The icon must adhere to the following style guidelines.

  • Be in .PNG or .SVG format.
  • Be provided in two sizes, 28x28 px and 56x56 px (@2x).
  • Be monochromatic, with foreground color of #DFDFDF and a transparent background.


  • assets/category-icon
  • imgs/category
CodePath: stringRequired

Path to the plugin's main entry point; this is executed when the Stream Deck application starts the plugin.


  • index.js
  • Counter
  • Counter.exe
CodePathMac: string

Path to the plugin's entry point specific to macOS; this is executed when the Stream Deck application starts the plugin on macOS.


  • index.js
  • Counter
CodePathWin: string

Path to the plugin's entry point specific to Windows; this is executed when the Stream Deck application starts the plugin on Windows.


  • index.js
  • Counter.exe
DefaultWindowSize: [number, number]

Size of a window ([width, height]) opened when calling from the property inspector. Default value is [500, 650].

Description: stringRequired

Description of the plugin, and the functionality it provides, that will be displayed on the plugin's product page on the Marketplace.

Icon: stringRequired

Path to the image, with the file extension omitted, that will be displayed on the Marketplace. The icon should accurately represent the plugin, stand out, and enable users to quickly identify the plugin. The icon must adhere to the following style guidelines.

  • Be in .PNG or .SVG format.
  • Be provided in two sizes, 288x288 px and 512x512 px (@2x).

Examples: assets/plugin-icon imgs/plugin

Name: stringRequired

Name of the plugin, e.g. "Wave Link", "Camera Hub", "Control Center", etc.

Nodejs: Nodejs

Configuration options for Node.js based plugins.

Note: All Node.js plugins are executed with the following command-line arguments:

OS: [OS, OS?]Required

Collection of operating systems, and their minimum required versions, that the plugin supports.

Profiles: Profile[]

Collection of pre-defined profiles that are distributed with this plugin. Upon the plugin switching to the profile, the user will be prompted to install the profiles.

Note: Plugins may only switch to profiles distributed with the plugin, as defined within the manifest, and cannot access user-defined profiles.

Also see: streamDeck.profiles.switchToProfile(...)

PropertyInspectorPath: ${string}.htm, ${string}.html

Optional path to the HTML file that represents the property inspector for all actions; this is displayed to the user in the Stream Deck application when they add an action, allowing them to configure the action's settings.

Note: Path should be relative to the root of the plugin's folder, with no leading slash.


  • mute.html
  • actions/join-voice-chat/settings.html

Also see:

  • streamDeck.ui.onSendToPlugin(...)
SDKVersion: 2Required

Preferred SDK version; this should currently always be 2.

Software: SoftwareRequired

Determines the Stream Deck software requirements for this plugin.

URL: string

Link to the plugin's website.


UUID: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the plugin, represented in reverse-DNS format.

Allowed characters:

  • Lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9)
  • Hyphens (-)
  • Periods (.)


  • com.elgato.wavelink
  • com.elgato.discord
  • tv.twitch
Version: stringRequired

Version of the plugin, in the format {major}.{minor}.{patch}.{build}.


Provides information about an action provided by the plugin.


Controllers: [("Encoder", "Keypad"), ("Encoder", "Keypad")?]

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

DisableAutomaticStates: boolean

Determines whether the state of the action should automatically toggle when the user presses the action; only applies to actions that have more than one state defined. Default is false.

DisableCaching: boolean

Determines whether Stream Deck should cache images associated with the plugin, and its actions. Default is false.

Encoder: Encoder

Provides information about how the action functions as part of an Encoder (dial / touchscreen).

Icon: stringRequired

Path to the image, with the file extension omitted, that will be displayed next to the action in the Stream Deck application's action list. The image must adhere to the following style guidelines.

  • Be in .PNG or .SVG format.
  • Be provided in two sizes, 20x20 px and 40x40 px (@2x).
  • Be monochromatic, with foreground color of #EFEFEF and a transparent background.


  • assets/counter
  • imgs/actions/mute
Name: stringRequired

Name of the action; this is displayed to the user in the actions list, and is used throughout the Stream Deck application to visually identify the action.

OS: ("mac", "windows")[]

Operating system that the action supports.

PropertyInspectorPath: ${string}.htm, ${string}.html

Optional path to the HTML file that represents the property inspector for this action; this is displayed to the user in the Stream Deck application when they add the action, allowing them to configure the action's settings. When undefined, the manifest's top-level PropertyInspectorPath is used, otherwise none.

Note: Path should be relative to the root of the plugin's folder, with no leading slash.


  • mute.html
  • actions/join-voice-chat/settings.html
States: State[]Required

States the action can be in. When two states are defined the action will act as a toggle, with users being able to select their preferred iconography for each state.

Note: Automatic toggling of the state on action activation can be disabled by setting DisableAutomaticStates to true.

SupportedInMultiActions: boolean

Determines whether the action is available to user's when they are creating multi-actions. Default is true.

Tooltip: string

Tooltip shown to the user when they hover over the action within the actions list in the Stream Deck application.

UUID: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the action, represented in reverse-DNS format. This value is supplied by Stream Deck when events are emitted that relate to the action enabling you to identify the source of the event.

Allowed characters:

  • Lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9)
  • Hyphens (-)
  • Periods (.)

Note: UUID must be unique, and should be prefixed with the plugin's UUID.


  • com.elgato.wavelink.toggle-mute
  • com.elgato.discord.join-voice
  • tv.twitch.go-live
UserTitleEnabled: boolean

Determines whether the title field is available to the user when viewing the action's property inspector. Setting this to false will disable the user from specifying a title, thus allowing the plugin to have exclusive access to the title. Default is true, i.e. the title field is enabled.

VisibleInActionsList: boolean

Determines whether the action is available to user's via the actions list in the Stream Deck application. Setting this to false allows for the action to be used as part of pre-defined profiles distributed with the plugins, whilst not being available to users. Default is true.


Applications to monitor on Mac and Windows; upon a monitored application being launched or terminated, Stream Deck will notify the plugin.


mac: string[]

Collection of applications to monitor on macOS.


windows: string[]

Collection of applications to monitor on Windows.


  • Notepad.exe


Provides information about how the action functions as part of an Encoder (dial / touchscreen).


Icon: string

Path to the image, with the file extension omitted, that will be displayed in the Stream Deck application in the circular canvas that represents the dial of the action. The image must fulfill the following style guidelines.

  • Be in .PNG or .SVG format.
  • Be provided in two sizes, 72x72 px and 144x144 px (@2x).

Note: Can be overridden by the user in the Stream Deck application.


  • assets/actions/mute/encoder-icon
  • imgs/join-voice-chat-encoder
StackColor: string

Background color to display in the Stream Deck application when the action is part of a dial stack, and is the current action. Represented as a hexadecimal value.


  • #d60270
  • #1f1f1
  • #0038a8
TriggerDescription: TriggerDescriptions

Descriptions that define the interaction of the action when it is associated with a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +. This information is shown to the user.


  • "Adjust volume"
  • "Play / Pause"
background: string

Path to the image, with the file extension omitted, that will be displayed on the touchscreen behind the action's layout. The image must fulfill the following style guidelines.

  • Be in .PNG or .SVG format.
  • Be provided in two sizes, 200x100 px and 400x200 px (@2x).

Note: Can be overridden by the user in the Stream Deck application.


  • assets/backgrounds/main
  • imgs/bright-blue-bg
layout: ${string}.json, "$A0", "$A1", "$B1", "$B2", "$C1", "$X1"

Name of a pre-defined layout, or the path to a JSON file that details a custom layout and its components, to be rendered on the action's touchscreen canvas.

Pre-defined Layouts:

  • $X1, layout with the title at the top and the icon beneath it in the center.
  • $A0, layout with the title at the top and a full-width image canvas beneath it in the center.
  • $A1, layout with the title at the top, the icon on the left, and text value on the right.
  • $B1, layout with the title at the top, the icon on the left, and a text value on the right with a progress bar beneath it.
  • $B2, layout with the title at the top, the icon on the left, and a text value on the right with a gradient progress bar beneath it.
  • $C1, layout with the title at the top, and two rows that display an icon on the left and progress bar on the right (i.e. a double progress bar layout).


  • $A1
  • layouts/my-custom-layout.json


Configuration options for Node.js based plugins.


Debug: string

Command-line arguments supplied to the plugin when run in debug mode. Optionally, the pre-defined values "enabled" and "break" run the plugin with a debugger enabled with --inspect and --inspect-brk respectively.

Note: "enabled" and "break" will automatically be assigned an available PORT by Stream Deck. Alternatively, if you wish to debug on a pre-defined port, this value can be a set of command-line arguments.


  • "enabled" results in --inspect={PORT}
  • "break" results in --inspect-brk={PORT}
  • "--inspect=" runs a local debugger on port 12345.
GenerateProfilerOutput: boolean

Determines whether to generate a profiler output for the plugin; read more.

Version: "20"Required

Version of Node.js to use; currently version "20" is supported.


Operating system that the plugin supports, and the minimum required version needed to run the plugin.


MinimumVersion: stringRequired

Minimum version required of the operating system to run the plugin.

Platform: "mac", "windows"Required

Operating system supported by the plugin.


Provides information for pre-defined profile distributed with this plugin.


AutoInstall: boolean

Determines whether the profile should be automatically installed when the plugin is installed. When false, the profile will be installed the first time the plugin attempts to switch to it. Default is true.

DeviceType: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Required

Type of device the profile is intended for, for example Stream Deck +, Stream Deck Pedal, etc.


  • Stream Deck (0)
  • Stream Deck Mini (1)
  • Stream Deck XL (2)
  • Stream Deck Mobile (3)
  • Corsair GKeys (4)
  • Stream Deck Pedal (5)
  • Corsair Voyager (6)
  • Stream Deck + (7)
  • SCUF Controller (8)
  • Stream Deck Neo (9)
DontAutoSwitchWhenInstalled: boolean

Determines whether the Stream Deck application should automatically switch to the profile when it is first installed. Default value is false.

Name: stringRequired

Path to the .streamDeckProfile, with the file extension omitted, that contains the profiles layout and action settings.


  • assets/main-profile
  • profiles/super-cool-profile
Readonly: boolean

Determines whether the profile is read-only, or if the user is able to customize it within the Stream Deck application. Default value is false.


Determines the Stream Deck software requirements for this plugin.


MinimumVersion: "6.4", "6.5", "6.6", "6.7", "6.8"Required

Minimum version of the Stream Deck application required for this plugin to run.


States the action can be in. When two states are defined the action will act as a toggle, with users being able to select their preferred iconography for each state.

Note: Automatic toggling of the state on action activation can be disabled by setting DisableAutomaticStates to true.


FontFamily: string

Default font-family to be used when rendering the title of this state.

Note: Can be overridden by the user in the Stream Deck application.

FontSize: number

Default font-size to be used when rendering the title of this state.

Note: Can be overridden by the user in the Stream Deck application.

FontStyle: "", "Bold Italic", "Bold", "Italic", "Regular"

Default font-style to be used when rendering the title of this state.

Note: Can be overridden by the user in the Stream Deck application.

FontUnderline: boolean

Determines whether the title associated with this state is underlined by default.

Note: Can be overridden by the user in the Stream Deck application.

Image: stringRequired

Path to the image, with the file extension omitted, that will be displayed on the Stream Deck when this action's state is active. The image must adhere to the following style guidelines.

  • Be in .GIF, .PNG or .SVG format.
  • Be provided in two sizes, 72x72 px and 144x144 px (@2x).

Note: Can be overridden by the user in the Stream Deck application.


  • assets/counter-key
  • assets/icons/mute
MultiActionImage: string

Path to the image, with the file extension omitted, that will be displayed when the action is being viewed as part of a multi-action. The image must adhere to the following style guidelines.

  • Be in .PNG or .SVG format.
  • Be provided in two sizes, 72x72 px and 144x144 px (@2x).

Note: Can be overridden by the user in the Stream Deck application.


  • assets/counter-key
  • assets/icons/mute
Name: string

Name of the state; when multiple states are defined this value is shown to the user when the action is being added to a multi-action. The user is then able to specify which state they would like to activate as part of the multi-action.

ShowTitle: boolean

Determines whether the title should be shown.

Note: Can be overridden by the user in the Stream Deck application.

Title: string

Default title to be shown when the action is added to the Stream Deck.

TitleAlignment: "bottom", "middle", "top"

Default title alignment to be used when rendering the title of this state.

Note: Can be overridden by the user in the Stream Deck application.

TitleColor: string

Default title color to be used when rendering the title of this state, represented a hexadecimal value.

Note: Can be overridden by the user in the Stream Deck application.


  • #5bcefa
  • #f5a9b8


Descriptions that define the interaction of the action when it is associated with a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +. This information is shown to the user.


  • "Adjust volume"
  • "Play / Pause"


LongTouch: string

Touchscreen "long-touch" interaction behavior description.

Push: string

Dial "push" (press) interaction behavior description.

Rotate: string

Dial rotation interaction behavior description.

Touch: string

Touchscreen "touch" interaction behavior description.