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streamdeck validate

Validates the Stream Deck plugin.


streamdeck validate [path]

  path                  Path of the plugin to validate

  --force-update-check  Forces an update check (default: false)
  --no-update-check     Disables updating schemas


Validates the Stream Deck plugin in the current working directory, or path when specified, and outputs the validation results. By default, the command will automatically check and install validation rule updates; this check occurs daily, unless forced with --force-update-check or prevented with --no-update-check.


Validate the plugin in the directory com.elgato.hello-world.sdPlugin:

streamdeck validate com.elgato.hello-world.sdPlugin

Validate the plugin in the current working directory, with the latest validation schemas:

streamdeck validate --force-update-check



  • Default: false
  • Type: Boolean

Forces an update check of new validation rules; by default, an update check will occur once a day. Cannot be used in conjunction with --no-update-check.


  • Default: false
  • Type: Boolean

Prevents an update check of new validation rules. This configuration option is recommended when using the CLI as part of a build pipeline. Cannot be used in conjunction with --force-update-check.