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streamdeck create

Stream Deck plugin creation wizard.


streamdeck create


The create command guides you through a creation wizard, scaffolding a Stream Deck plugin. You will be prompted to provide the following information:

  • Author, the name of the plugin author, i.e. you.
  • Plugin Name, the name of your plugin.
  • Plugin UUID, the unique identifier of your plugin.
  • Description, a brief description of your plugin.

Once the command has completed, the plugin will be automatically installed in Stream Deck, ready-to-run.


Create a Stream Deck plugin:

streamdeck create
Terminal output
.___ _                        ___         _
/ __| |_ _ _ ___ __ _ _ __   |   \ ___ __| |__
\__ \  _| '_/ -_) _` | '  \  | |) / -_) _| / /
|___/\__|_| \___\__,_|_|_|_| |___/\___\__|_\_\

Welcome to the Stream Deck Plugin creation wizard.

This utility will guide you through creating a local development environment for a plugin.
For more information on building plugins see

Press ^C at any time to quit.

? Author: Elgato
? Plugin Name: Counter
? Plugin UUID: com.elgato.counter
? Description: A simple counter that increments on each press

? Create Stream Deck plugin from information above? Yes

Creating Counter...
✔ Enabling developer mode
✔ Generating plugin
✔ Installing dependencies
✔ Building plugin
✔ Finalizing setup

Successfully created plugin!

? Would you like to open the plugin in VS Code? (Y/n)

The scaffolded plugin will be written to a directory named "counter", within the current working directory.

See also