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Version Updates

To submit new build versions of your product, use the same submission tools and forms for new products. You will need to include the new versioning name (X.Y.Z / ex: 1.0.52) and the new product file(s). Optionally, you can include any additional media such as thumbnails and gallery images that show off these features.

Please note to the review team if you need to remove any existing media with new updates. Contact Maker support for any questions or concerns regarding current or future product updates.


The upcoming Maker Console will further streamline this process.

Naming Your Version

The Marketplace supports a three-number (X.Y.Z) versioning system. We encourage you to consider keeping to the Semantic Versioning system, or SemVer when submitting an update to the Marketplace. SemVer are non-negative integers and separated into [X].[Y].[Z]. Where X represents a major update, Y represents a minor update, and Z represents patches.

  • Major versions contain breaking changes.
  • Minor versions add new features or depreciate features without breaking change.
  • Patch versions contain bug fixes or optimizations without breaking change.

DO NOT use alphanumeric strings for your versions, as the Marketplace only supports numbers.


  • A huge overhaul of the product. Version 1.4.52 to 2.0.0
  • Adding new features. Version 1.4.52 to 1.5.0
  • Pushing a bug fix to a previous version: Version 1.4.52 to 1.4.53

“What's New”

A well-written ‘What’s New’ section shows that a product is constantly improving. It helps build rapport with users who see that the Maker listens to its users and makes changes accordingly. When you update your product, you can use the ‘What’s New’ section to communicate changes to users. This text appears on your product page and on the Updates tab.

This section only appears when you update the product with a new version and will disappear if you haven't updated in the past 8 months.

Use this space to document:

  • App Updates
  • Release notes
  • Recent changes
  • Communicate product changes, such as new features and bug fixes

If you added a feature or fixed a bug based on feedback, use ‘What’s New’ to let users know you’ve listened to them. List new features, content, or functionality in order of importance, and add call-to-action messaging that gets users excited about the update

Helpful tips when writing a new version description:

  • Compared to product descriptions, no bold or italics.
  • Only bullet points and line breaks (single).
  • For updates with lots of details and parts, list out items using bullet points.
  • For smaller updates, avoid using bullet points and instead use line breaks and white space to separate sections.
  • You can also use ‘What's New’ to share updates on upcoming features that you're working on.