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Getting started


To interact with a physical Stream Deck device, ensure you have the following:

  • An iPad with a USB-C jack and Apple silicon chip (at least M1)
  • The Elgato Stream Deck Connect app installed
  • The Stream Deck Device Driver enabled in iOS settings app (Refer to the in-app instructions for guidance)

However, if you want to verify your implementation using the Stream Deck Simulator only, no additional prerequisites are necessary.

iOS VersionSwift VersionXCode Version
>= 16>= 5.9>= 15



You can add the library to your XCode project via Swift Package Manager. See "Adding package dependencies to your app".

If you want to add it to your own libraries Package.swift, use this code instead:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", upToNextMajor: "1.0.0")


In order to connect to the Stream Deck driver, you need to add the "Communicates with Drivers" ( capability to your app target. Refer to "Adding capabilities to your app" for guidance.

First Steps

Rendering content on a Stream Deck is very simple with SwiftUI, much like designing a typical app UI.

import StreamDeckKit

StreamDeckSession.setUp(newDeviceHandler: { $0.render( })

This code snippet demonstrates rendering a blue color across all buttons and displays on a device.


StreamDeckSession operates as a singleton, meaning you should invoke setUp only once throughout your application's life cycle.

To render content on specific areas, utilize the Stream Deck Layout system. StreamDeckLayout with the @StreamDeckView Macro provides predefined layout views to position content on a Stream Deck.

import SwiftUI
import StreamDeckKit

struct MyFirstStreamDeckLayout {
    var streamDeckBody: some View {
        StreamDeckLayout {
            // Define key area
            // Use StreamDeckKeyAreaLayout for rendering separate keys
            StreamDeckKeyAreaLayout { keyIndex in
                // Define content for each key.
                // StreamDeckKeyAreaLayout provides an index for each available key,
                // and StreamDeckKeyView provides a callback for the key action
                // Example:
                StreamDeckKeyView { pressed in
                    print("pressed \(pressed)")
                } content: {
                        .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
// Invoke once during your app's lifecycle, e.g in your app's `init` method.
StreamDeckSession.setUp(newDeviceHandler: { $0.render(MyFirstStreamDeckLayout()) })

To check your layout during development, you can use the Simulator.